vivo's upcoming X80, X80 Pro, X Fold, and X Note specs have surfaced through China's Weibo network, along with the iQOO Neo6. The X80 will have a 6.78-inch FHD+ OLED display with curved glass on top, as well as a 4,500mAh battery with 80W wired charging. It will measure 8.3mm in thickness. The X80 Pro will have the same size 6.78-inch OLED but of QHD+ resolution. It will also be curved at the edges. There's a 4,700mAh battery with 80W wired and 50W wireless charging. The X80 Pro measures 9.1mm in thickness.
The Vivo X Fold's 80W charging was
seemingly confirmed. The X Fold will have a 6.53-inch FHD+ external OLED
display, as well as a 4,600mAh battery, 80W wired, and 50W wireless charging. The
vivo X Note, which we've seen on vivo's website, will reportedly sport a
Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset, and a 120Hz E5 AMOLED display.
An iQOO Neo6 has also surfaced with a
6.62-inch FHD+ OLED (no curved edges here), a 4,700mAh battery with 80W wired
charging, and an 8.5mm frame. Below is a blurry render of what appears to be
the vivo X Fold's rear camera island. We've already seen it in schematics, but
the render reveals that it will carry a Zeiss certification. According to
Digital Chat Station, vivo's upcoming phones will all have this design.