Oppo announced the Find X5 Pro a month ago as its latest flagship with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. The phone already has an advanced built-in cooling solution, but the company now introduces a special Ice-Skin cooling case that helps keep the temperature further 2-3 degrees C lower.
The case has a special hydrogel layer,
developed by Wuhan University. Regular hydrogels draw moisture from the air and
then release it through evaporation. However, in order to provide long-term
cooling and not just a one-time solution, the researchers developed Glacier Mat
- modified hydrogel that re-absorbs moisture from the air over and over again
at lower temperatures of the atmosphere, creating a circular cooling cycle.
The Ice-Skin case doesn't add too much
heft or thickness to the Find X5 Pro bulkier compared to a regular protective
case. Some users in China who preordered the Find X5 Pro are receiving the
Ice-Skin cooling case with it, but Oppo is yet to say anything regarding a
global launch.