
A new desktop portable scanner has been launched via Kickstarter called RiviCamer, offering resolutions of up to 5K and featuring a four microphone array, autofocus, remote training and AI controls. The project has already blasted past its required pledge goal thanks to over 130 backers with still 28 days remaining the next generation portable scanner has been designed to provide a smart, quick scanning operation making it perfect for telecommuting, remote education or working from home, enabling you to quickly transform paper into digital copies.

Specially priced early bird pledges are now available for the innovative project from roughly US$ 209 or £ 148, offering a considerable discount of approximately 46% off the final retail price, while the Kickstarter crowd funding is under way. If the RiviCamer campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and the project completion progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around August 2021.