BOE 360° foldable display prototype

A couple of days back, we brought you a report that Chinese display maker BOE has edged Samsung Display out of the top spot to become the world’s largest display manufacturer. The brnad’s growth is among other things,, traceable to its high innovativeness. In this light, the display maker has unveiled the world’s first flexible display that folds up to 360 degrees.

The display which is already being mass-produced utilises a flexible screen both on the outside and inside. The flexible display by BOE adopts a multi-neutral layer model design, which effectively reduces the stress of flexible “outside fold” and “inside fold”. The display is also able to realize a low crease effect on both the in-fold and out-fold aspects. The display can be folded up to 200,000 times without an hassle.

Currently, BOE has reportedly achieved mass production of R5 200,000-fold outward-folding displays and R3 200,000-fold in-folding displays, and supplies to domestic first-tier smartphone manufacturers. In addition to the flexible outer-folding and flexible in-folding displays that have been mass-produced, BOE has also deployed flexible sliding roll and now, flexible 360° folding technology.

From the official display, BOE’s flexible 360° folding technology breaks through the limitation of the single-direction folding of the display module, and achieves a 360° folding form whereby it can be folded in, left open and folded out completely.We expect the display to be shipped to manufacturers soon so as to find its way into foldable phones in the near future.