TCL, popular for their displays and other consumer electronic products, will soon be launching their P-Series 4K HDR TVs in India. The TVs, which were showcased during CES 2021, will reportedly be the first smart TVs in India to feature Android 11 TV OS. This will likely be the TCL P725 which was introduced in CES last month.
The new P-Series TV have a metallic trim
design, with support for various immersive technologies such as Dolby Vision
and Dolby Atmos. It features DTS decoding technology that can simulate audio
experiences similar to live-recordings.
It has support for MEMC motion picture
processing capabilities, that will help improve image quality when viewing
fast-paced content, and the TV supports TCL’s hands-free voice control 2.0
technology, which uses simple voice commands to perform commands such as
switching channels, setting reminders, etc.
The launch date for these upcoming TVs
should be announced soon.