Qualcomm has officially unveiled the next-generation Snapdragon 888 flagship SoC at this week’s Snapdragon Technology Summit 2020. Qualcomm has officially explained why the Snapdragon 888 name was chosen over the Snapdragon 875. The main reason is that 888 is one of the lucky numbers in China. 8 means infinity, success and inner wisdom. In addition, the number 8 is always present in Qualcomm’s flagship SoCs, and this is the manufacturer’s best SoC at the moment.
Liu Zuohu, founder and CEO of OnePlus,
spoke to Weibo users after the Snapdragon 888 announcement. He stated that next
year OnePlus will celebrate 8 years since its founding. The OnePlus leader
asked how they would react to the fact that a new flagship smartphone would
come out under the name OnePlus 888. Of course, this is not confirmation that
the company wants to rename the OnePlus 9 to OnePlus 888, but usually, Chinese
companies turn to fans for opinion. when they really think about something like
Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 specifications
were revealed yesterday. This platform uses the Arm Cortex-X1 super-core, which
operates at 2.84 GHz, as well as three Cortex-A78 and four Cortex-A55 cores.
The SoC also received a built-in Snapdragon x60 5G modem and an Adreno 660
graphics processor.
According to the latest reports, OnePlus
may postpone the presentation of the OnePlus 9 and 9 Pro from April to next