month after the launch of X2 Pro and 5s in India, Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth
teased the company's first truly wireless earphones and said they will arrive
in December. Now we have a more specific date - December 17.
has sent out invites to the media for an event on December 17 in New Delhi,
India where it will unveil its truly wireless earphones as well as the XT 730G,
which is available in China and Europe under the X2 moniker. The invite includes a sketch of the
wireless earphones which reveals they will have Apple AirPods-like design and
come with a charging case having an LED charging indicator.
image of this case shared by Realme on Twitter reveals it will come in Black
color, but we are likely to see Yellow and White-colored cases as well since
Madhav Sheth along with a couple of other Realme employees took to Twitter to
confirm those color options for the wireless earphones.
execs confirming color options for the company's first truly wireless earphones
Realme execs confirming color options for the company's first truly wireless
earphones Realme execs confirming color options for the company's first truly
wireless earphones
the XT 730G and wireless earphones, we may also see the Realme 5i go official
on December 17 since it has already bagged certifications from a few certifying
authorities like India's BIS and Thailand's NBTC.