Anyone searching for an affordable dual extruder 3D
printer may be worth checking out the new Proforge 2 3D printer created by
Makertech 3D based in the United Kingdom. Available to back with early bird
pledges available from £ 239 the desktop 3D printer is this week launched via
Kickstarter and has already raised its required pledge goal with still 31 days
remaining on its campaign.
The Proforge 2 and Proforge 2S 3D printers can also be used to
laser engrave and offer the ability to 3D print objects using two different
materials at the same time. The 3D printer provides a billed volume of 200 x
300 x 200 mm and offers a print speed up to 100 mm/s.
Equipped with a heated bed and high-powered external
MOSFET the 3D printer is equipped with silent stepper drivers and equipped with
a silicone hot and cover and steel nozzle. For more details jump over to the
official Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign page.