Chroma Chrono

Photographer George Davies has created a new multicolour programmable camera flash that offers an RGB light capable of providing 16 million different colours to your creativity to the next level. Chroma Chrono is the world’s first programmable RGB camera flash and has launched via Kickstarter this week to help raise the £ 15,000 required to take the concept into production.

“The Chroma Chrono is a programmable RGB flash, which allows you to flash multiple colours for set amounts of time over a long expsoure. creating the weird and wonderful effects, its as easy as 1,2,3: Connect to the Chroma Chrono over wifi, you can do this from your phone, tablet, laptop, mac, PC, anything with a wifi connection and a web browser. Use the built in web page to set which colours you would like to flash and for how long and click save!”

Pledges are available from £ 120 for early bird backers with worldwide delivery expected to take place during February 2019.” While you are programming it you can check out how the colours look so far by either triggering it through the website or on the Chroma Chrono’s test button. Attach it to your DSLR’s hot shoe and set your camera to a long exposure, turn off the lights.”