Electric Blue Nintendo 2DS

The Nintendo Switch is what Nintendo is focusing on now, but it does not mean that the company has forgotten about its handheld gear. Nintendo has announced a new Electric Blue Nintendo 2DS for those still rocking the handhelds.

This new Electric Blue Nintendo 2DS will come bundled with the New Super Mario Bros. 2 title. So you will be getting both a console and possibly one of the most classic Nintendo games to date that you can get. The entire bundle will only cost US$ 80 which is not bad at all as far as gaming systems are concerned.

The bundle isn’t available just yet, but Nintendo stated that the bundle will be released this coming summer, so you will want to keep an eye out for it if this is something you might be interested in. But what about the future of Nintendo’s handhelds? We don’t know. The Switch doubles as both a handheld and a home console, so it kind of feels like the 3DS/2DS is redundant at this point. We will have to see what happens.

Nintendo will continue supporting its handhelds until at any rate. It will be interesting to see what happens down the line with handhelds.