Anker Zolo Liberty+

Everyone's favorite value for money accessory maker just made the Zolo Liberty+ official for retail purchases, graduating it from Kickstarter with flying colors not long ago. The plus sign comes from outfitting the new Zolos with Bluetooth 5.0, which is the latest and greatest wireless transfer standard that is twice faster and less energy-consuming than Bluetooth 4.2 which wireless buds come equipped with so far, but also has optimizations that should make dropped tunes and syncing problems an issue of the past.

In celebration of Bluetooth 5.0, the future will cost you US$ 50 more than the standard Zolo Liberty, or US$ 149.99, but the 3.5 hours of battery life on a charge puts Anker at a disadvantage against a lot of direct competitors. The Liberty+ did cost US$ 79 at one point two months ago for early backers, but if you missed that shot, you have to pay for the Kickstarter graduation ceremony.