HP Envy x2 Snapdragon 835

Qualcomm had unveiled the Snapdragon 845 mobile platform through the Snapdragon Tech Summit event. During the same event, the ASUS NovaGo and HP Envy x2 always connected PCs that are powered by Snapdragon 835 were also showcased. These devices are expected to hit the market by the first quarter of 2018. The HP Envy x2 has now received approval from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which indicates its arrival is drawing near.

On Dec. 15, the HP Envy x2 that is reportedly codenamed as TPN-Q198 had received FCC approval. The device has also acquired certification from GSM Global Certification Forum that reveals the numerous network bands that will be supported by the upcoming HP laptop. The device that is powered by Snapdragon 835 that can last for up to 20 hours by charging it once to the full. It will be able to run full version of Windows 10 S on ARM architecture.

The thickness of the HP Envy x2 is only 6.9mm and its weight is 698 grams only. The SD 835 chip is supported by 8 GB of RAM and it features an internal storage of 256 GB. It promises gigabit LTE experience as it is equipped with Snapdragon X16 LTE modem.

The Envy x2 features a 12-inch Full HD display that is shielded by Gorilla Glass 4. Apart from a user-friendly keyboard, it is also equipped with a stylus. It will be able to deliver immersive audio experience as it will be featuring Bang and Olufsen speakers. Other features of the device include USB-C port, SIM card slot, 13-megapixel rear-mounted camera and a 3.5mm audio jack.

The exact release date of the HP Envy x2 is not known, but its shipments are expected to start in spring. Recent reports have revealed that Snapdragon 845 powered laptops may also hit the market by Q3 2018. However, rumors suggest before launching SD845 driven always connected PCs, Microsoft and Qualcomm will be checking the market response through the first-generation Snapdragon 835 notebooks.