
Anglers wishing to get a fisheye view of their catch in action, may be worth giving the new Spydro underwater fishing camera created by Moordan Trablus more investigation. Launched via Kickstarter this week the development team behind the Spydro fishing camera is hoping to raise $100,000 to take the design into production. The design and functionality of the smartphone connected fishing camera which is available to back pledges starting from just US$179 and shipping expected to take place during January 2018.

Spydro is equipped with a number of features allowing you to detect bites, monitor temperature, salinity, depth, speed, geolocation and is even equipped with an accelerometer. All data is viewable using the companion smartphone application which is available for both iOS and Android devices. The development team behind the Spydro fishing camera explain more about its design and inspiration.

Jump over to Kickstarter via the link below for more details and to make a pledge from $179 for earlybird backers.