Intel have this week unveiled their latest hardware
which takes the form of the first Optane solid state drive (SSD) designed for
desktop PCs, the Optane SSD 900P Series. Offering 480 GB of storage for a price
of US$ 599 or if your budget won’t quite stretch that far 280 GB of storage for US$ 389. The new SSD hardware also provides up to 22 times more endurance and is
four times faster than most other SSDs on the market says Intel.
The latest Optane SSD 900P Series drives are based
on 3D Xpoint technology, a new non-volatile storage capable of bridging the gap
between traditional RAM and storage. Intel explains more about what you can
expect from the performance when playing the Star Citizen space simulation
For an in-depth review of the new Intel Optane SSD
900P Series hardware jump over to the AnandTech website.