COTODAMA Translucent Lyric Speaker

Japanese company COTODAMA has unveiled a very unique speaker which is capable of displaying animated lyrics. The COTODAMA Lyric Speaker is being produced in small batches of just 15 units per month and is now available to preorder priced at US$ 4500 or £ 3600.

A companion application is also available and the speaker connects using Wi-Fi rather than Bluetooth. Android users only have access to the Lyric Speaker app and Spotify, however the iOS version also supports Apple Music, Deezer, Google Play, SoundCloud, Youtube, and other services.

Features and specifications:
– COTODAMA Lyric Speaker is the next generation’s speaker which enables people to see the lyrics visually. When you choose a song on your device, the lyrics show up on the translucent screen beautifully.
– All you need to do is connect to Wi-fi via a corresponding app to enjoy high quality audio and vibrant lyrics on the screen.

– COTODAMA Lyric speaker can visualize more than 2 million songs by using SyncPower Corporation and those speakers are all hand crafted in Japan.