Nintendo New 3DS XL Pikachu-Inspired

Do you happen to be a Pikachu fan? If yes, Nintendo has just the thing for you. The company has announced that it’s bringing its Pikachu-inspired Nintendo New 3DS XL to North America next month.

This isn’t exactly a new product given that Nintendo launched this very cool Pikachu-themed New 3DS XL in Japan last year. It’s just now bringing it to the West, nevertheless, fans in this part of the world will certainly be excited now that they can finally buy one.

Even though the handheld console has a drawing of Pikachu on it, customers will only get the console itself since it doesn’t feature any additional extras or games. You don’t really need to buy it if you already have a New 3DS XL because there’s really no difference between the two except the paint job.

However, if you must buy one, you’ll be able to purchase the Pikachu-inspired New 3DS XL in North America starting February 24th for US$ 199. Most of you would rather save your money until March when Nintendo will finally release its next-generation console, the Nintendo Switch. The company has already said that both the Switch and 3DS will coexist once the new console is out.